Letter From the President


My name is Lana Saqer and I am so excited to have the privilege to lead this chapter as our new president! Never in a million years did I think I would be apart of the Greek community — with such little knowledge, I wasn’t sure that this was a place where I could find my “why”. After going through primary recruitment, I knew Tri Delta was my home when I could authentically be myself and met many leaders who I aspired to be. With high hopes and great women before me, I was given the confidence and ability to uphold our values. Being trusted and accepted by so many amazing people is a rewarding task, and I could not be happier to oversee chapter functions and help Tri Delta women strive to leave our campus better than we found it<3


Tri Delta has, without a doubt, been the most special part of my collegiate experience and I will forever be thankful for everyone and everything this chapter has given me.